Best Blood Test Lab
in Palam

Sheetal Chhaya Diagnostics is the best blood test center in Dwarka, offering a variety of blood tests such as a pregnancy blood test, a dengue blood test, a typhoid blood test, a kidney function blood test, a cancer blood test, an allergy blood test, a malaria blood test, a fever blood test, and many more.

We provide these blood tests to measure various substances in the blood, such as hormones, glucose levels, and red and white blood cell counts, as well as to check for the presence of certain diseases or conditions, including cancer, anemia, and infections.

At our blood test lab in Dwarka (Delhi), we use several advanced technologies for blood testing as well as highly skilled specialists to perform various blood tests.

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Wide Range of Blood Tests

The full spectrum of blood tests that we offer to our patients includes routine CBP, blood tests for pregnancy, blood tests for dengue, and blood glucose tests, as well as highly specialized investigations like creatinine serum, ferritin, 25-OH vitamin D (total), free thyroxine FT4, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Covid antibody IGG-C.L.I.A., Bilirubin-Direct, alkaline phosphatase, C-Peptide, Elements 22 (toxic and nutrients), and Interleukin-6.

Sheetal Chhaya Diagnostics in Delhi takes pride in providing high-quality blood test services. We are associated with various certified labs. We take great pride in being a blood test lab that offers affordable home blood testing services.

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Why Choose
Sheetal Chhaya Diagnostics for Blood Tests?

Sheetal Chhaya Diagnostics provides high-quality blood test services in Delhi from the convenience of your own home. You can now book a blood test at home using our "Home Collection Service," as we also collect samples at home.

We take great pride in being a blood test lab that offers affordable home blood testing services. A blood test can be the answer to so many questions about the complications you are facing. If you wish to go for a blood test, you can also book a blood test online or visit us in Palam, and you can also receive the blood test report through the mail.

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The 10 most common blood tests are HBA1C, CBC, Thyroid Profile, C-Reactive Protein, D-Dimer, Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy, LFT, KFT, Lipid Profile, and ESR. Our blood test lab in Palam is associated with various certified labs.
Every different blood test shows different results. Suppose if we talk about the CBC, it measures the number of red and white blood cells and platelets in your blood. You can give us a sample at our blood test lab in Delhi.
The early stages of almost any disease can be detected by routine blood tests. Blood tests can be used to identify numerous kidney, lung, and heart diseases.
Yes! Blood tests can be used to check the body for indications of infection. The particular tests that are performed will depend on the suspected infection type and the patient's symptoms.
A blood infection can be caused by various factors. Some factors include bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections, skin injuries, and so on.

A Professional & Care Provider